We are here for you.

Feel free to reach out to us by phone or email, be sure you join us for worship on our Sunday Service page


Reach Us

Faith Lutheran is open and available to you. Our hours are 9am to 4pm Monday-Thursday. You can stop by or reach us by phone or email. 

Find Us

1187 County Road 128 Fremont, OH 43420



Contact Form

Feel free to reach us at any time. You can either use the email address above, or if you are on a device that doesn’t give you access to your email, feel free to contact us via this form:

At Faith Lutheran Church, we honor tradition by immersing people into faithful fellowship, affirming worship, intentional service, and transformative growth, to equip all to become God’s agents of change in the world, so all may gather, grow and go, creating a community freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.